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This product is specifically tailored to cater for working capital needs for small businesses. This Product target's Micro entrepreneurs in an active business for more than 4 months with need for short term working finance.
Individual earning regular monthly salaries can apply for loans to be repaid through check-off administered through the employer. The approval of the employer, who also agrees to remit deductions from the employees to AllAccesss Microenterprises Ltd, is required before the loan is disbursed.
This product is available to groups who are registered with AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd and they have maintained constant saving with the group so as to access finance from AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd office.
This product targets individual who are in need of fund to finance their personal activities such as travelling, education, etc. Customer Must be in an established business or employment for more than 3 months.
This product targets individual who are in need of finance before the due date of their salary. The Customer must be in an employment for more than 3 months, Produce original payslip for more than 3 months & must produce original Employment letter or Appointment Letter.
This product is available to groups who are registered with AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd and they have maintained constant saving with the group so as to access finance from AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd office.
This product targets individuals who are in urgent need of funds to finance emerging personal or business needs. Customer must be in an established business or employment for more than 3 months.
This product is available to groups who are registered with AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd and they have maintained constant saving with the group so as to access the product from their Total Revolving Fund. The Clients Must be in a group registered with AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd.
AllAccess Microenterprises Ltd is an organized lending institution that targets MSMEs, Individuals and Groups who are in active income generating activity. The company is registered as a limited liability Company Act, Cap 486 with an aim of providing micro credit facilities to businesses and individuals to enhance financial inclusivity.
We offer wide range of products that are customized to the needs of our clients; we ensure our products are affordable, timely delivered and tailor made to suit your needs.
Besides the financial services offering, the company offers non-financial services to the target clients and immediate community.